Our So-Called Leaders Have Failed Us Throughout This Pandemic
What voices really need to be cancelled?
At a time when our country seems most vulnerable, it would be reasonable to think that our elected officials at federal, state, and local levels would provide the public with accurate information, or at the least some solace for what we’re facing. But of course, asking our leaders to get on one accord in efforts to look out for the actual, real people they “represent” sounds too much like right.
Our lack of leadership when it was needed most throughout the pandemic will be known as an American tragedy.
When the Corona virus hit the radar of the United States, we were assured by our President that the virus was very much under control and that we had nothing to worry about here. After a back and forth between President Trump and President Xi Jinping about how the virus started, some were even led to believe that the virus was not actually a real thing, and that it was only propaganda.
Even though our politicians have known about the virus since God knows when, somehow we still failed to prepare. The country was short on masks, ventilators, medical personnel, and various other medical supplies to help treat Covid-19 patients. The Journal of the American…